Natal Birth Chart Interpretation



This 60 minute phone call reading is a personalized interpretation of your birth chart. You will call in to speak with me and your Reading will be completed over the phone. Please keep in mind that you will need the following information: Birthdate, Birth Time, and Birthplace. Please note that your Reading is 100% confidential and non-judgmental. Feel free to ask questions or let me know ahead of time (or at beginning of actual reading) if you have a specific interest in mind regarding your chart such as romance, health, relocation or career. Your personalized photos of your Chart(s) will be emailed or texted to you after the reading is completed.

After you place your order, you will receive an email with further information to coordinate the date/time of your reading, where you will book it right on my calendar using VisiBook. Calendar is set to ** Pacific Standard Time** Appointments must be made at least 7 days in advance, as I need time to do the work on your Chart. You will then be contacted with the number to call in, and receive an appointment reminder approximately 24 hours prior to your appointment. Thank you!

Cancellation Cutoff: 48 hours before the Appointment
Refunds and Cancellations Policy: You must cancel your astrology chart reading within 48 hours PRIOR to your booked appointment. By doing so, you will receive a full refund. However, if you do not cancel 48 hours before and work has already begun on your chart, you will not be eligible for a refund but will be offered to rebook your appointment as per my calendar availability.


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